Alpha release 0.14.0



On device board, we split widgets into main and other and added lots of new widgets, now for every parameter that device provides.
Verified and unverified devices: we are adding more and more devices and once the devices has been checked physically, devices for which widgets haven’t been tested, are market unverified / beta.
Some new Sensecap T1000 widgets are available on device page.
“Add device” redesign with new validations.
GPS tracks improvements.


Sensecap T1000 chaotic map display fixed.
Gateway registration flow minor bugs.
GPS devices with coordinates and no locations set now displayed on map correctly.
Wisgate UI registration flow minor bugs.
Some device log events with state is not displayed.
Some device log events with multiple gateways sources were smashed in one string.
Device Overview tab now fetch recent events and widgets are updating correspondingly.
Explorer - gateways with online status now highlighted.
Google authentication for site redirected to outdated page, now its fine
Download logs were limited for a hundred events.

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